
This site has resources such as chat rooms, message boards, information on support groups that would get you in touch with other families who can relate to your time of need.

Pet Loss Helpline
ASPCA Pet Loss Helpline 877-474-3310
Reach out to the Association for Pet Loss & Bereavement (APLB). They are professionally trained volunteers in pet bereavement counseling, and are there for you.

This site has resources such as pet loss hotlines, coping information, and answers to some of the most common questions one has when losing a pet family member
There are times when our loved ones need help to cross the Rainbow Bridge and we know this is a difficult decision for any family to make. If you are unsure of who you can trust to provide that service we can recommend veterinary services in several areas. Contact Us and we can help you plan or connect you to the right people who can assist you.