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They found you in a dumpster in Denver, and you became ours on my birthday (and yours).
You voyaged across the country with us. You tolerated, and grew to love, the two small humans we introduced into your previously calm life.
We spent fourteen wonderful years together.
You loved to eat pizza crust out of the box, and always fell asleep in the worst spots….in the dryer, on top of my table, inside my drawers.
Massive thunderstorms made you hide behind the toilet. You liked to doze in the sun on the back patio, and you hated other cats.
You loved to talk in the middle of the night, and always got the zoomies thirty minutes before my alarm was set to go off,
You never said no to catnip, and loved to be scratched under your chin.
We had a bowl of water on a high table because you loved to perch; you hated scratching posts and pate style wet food.
You were uniquely you and we love you. There will always be a Lion-O shaped hole in our lives.

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