Sugar Mae
March 26, 2013 - May 18, 2024
Sugar Mae
Been 3 days since you passed away. I miss you so much. I miss you in the garden chasing the Geckos. the sunshine in your favorite spot. In bed snuggling with me. Movie time in the chair. Ridding in the truck, everywhere smelling the air. But you was really loved by a lot of people. Friends and family . Your friends at Home Depo. Your little bat friend still comes at evening time. Looking for you to chase her. I told her today you are gone, I think she understood me. Your frog friend still in that empty water dish, waiting for you to go outside and sit. You brought love and smiles along the way and joy into our lives. I was so Blessed you was mine. Time to let you go. Be with God or in Doggie Heaven. I will be there to join you one day. I Love you n miss you so very much Baby Girl. Always be forever. Love Mom. , Family n Friends.