October 10, 2011 - January 5, 2021
Zabella was an amazing and loyal part of our family. She loved to go on long runs with Dad, protect her kid by sleeping close to her every night and always comforting Mom with millions of kisses. She loved to chase squirrels and lizards but always just for fun. Her back yard was her castle. She enjoyed laying in the sun but never for too long bc she was a fancy girl and enjoyed all the comforts of a big comfy couch and warm bed. Every morning she would come to Mom and Dad’s bed for morning snuggles. She was the BEST cuddler. Bella was loved by so many. She had friends, aunts, uncles, cousins and grand parents that she looked forward to playing with and licking to death with kisses when they visit. She made an impact of everyone she met, even if it was in quick passing. Her energy was contagious and she always knew when you needed love. Her pop pop Gene, Simba and Teco waiting to welcome her at Rainbow bridge. Pop pop will take her fishing, and on hikes where she can chase all the squirrels and lizards until her heart is content. We were hoping for a sign that she made it to the bridge and found them waiting for her. The day after her passing I randomly went outside and found a massive flock of birds flying over our home excitingly making noise. She made it and she’s excited for her new adventure.
Baby girl, you are loved beyond measure. We will cherish all the beautiful moments we share and keep you close to our hearts, always. Thank you for all the love, protection and loyalty during our time together. You were the best dog a family could ask for. Love you forever and always..
Your family.